Friday, October 10, 2008

Electric vehicle

An electric vehicle, or EV, is a vehicle with one or more electric motors for propulsion. This is also referred to as an electric drive vehicle. The motion may be provided either by wheels or propellers driven by rotary motors, or in the case of tracked vehicles, by linear motors.

Unlike an internal combustion engine that is tuned to specifically operate with a particular fuel such as gasoline or diesel, an electric drive vehicle needs electricity, which comes from sources such as batteries, fuel cells or a generator. This flexibility allows the drive train of the vehicle to remain the same, while the fuel source can be changed.

The energy used to propel the vehicle may be obtained from several sources, some of them more ecological than others:

It is also possible to have hybrid electric vehicles that derives energy from multiple sources. Such as:

Electric vehicles can include electric airplanes, electric boats, and electric motorcycles and scooters.

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